Pragma Systems Technical Forum

Error "ssh could not be started"

By Purvesh Kulkarni - 12/3/2015 9:05:52 PM

Hello All,

I am trying to send file from Windows to Unix machine using Pragma Fortress. However, while executing below mentioned command, I get an error as "ssh could not be started". There are no relevant log files for the connection attempts.

Request help to resolve the suggestion.

Command:- "C:\Program Files\Pragma Fortress Server\Clients\sftp.exe" -i private_key_file user@servername
By bethredd - 12/4/2015 12:58:52 AM


You can collect more information by adding the -v option to your command. This is the verbose output which will supply connection information.

sftp -v -i key user@server.

Did you install the client on the system? Or did you copy the sftp binary from another machine? If you copied, it is possible that you do did not copy all the necessary files, as sftp needs our sshdll.dl file to complete the connection. Please run an installation of our client on the system to make sure you get all the files.