sFTP file transfer

Purvesh Kulkarni
Purvesh Kulkarni
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Hello All,

I have to transfer the files from our server to a remote location using sFTP. Is it possible to send the files using a single command instead of the script/batch file?

After authentication, we need to traverse to a path and then drop the file.

User:- Test_User

Server:- remotelocationalias

Private Key:- D:\SomeLocation\Private_Key

Landing Path:- landing_directory

I would appreciate if explanation is supported with an example or a Wiki link. I tried to look this up on Pragma Wiki/documentation, but could not find a suitable solution.


Purvesh Kulkarni.
Beth Redd
Beth Redd
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Unfortunately, there is not a way to pass all parameters on the command line as you wish. You must use a script to list the commands that should be performed after authentication. You can use scp with a single command line, if your server supports scp file transfers.

Using scp, your command would look something like this:

scp -oidentityfile2=d:\somelocation\public_key Test_User@remotelocationalias:landing_directory\file
Using sftp you would need a script with the following:

put file

Your command line would then look like:

sftp -oidentityfile2=d:\somelocation\public_key -b batchfile test_user@remotelocationalias

Full instructions on using sftp with a batch file can be found at www.pragmasys.com/ssh-server/topics/idh-sftp.htm

Beth Redd
Purvesh Kulkarni
Purvesh Kulkarni
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Posts: 8, Visits: 36
Thanks bethredd.

The batch script works, however, after completion of command when I check the ERRORLEVEL variable in Windows Batch Script, it returns -1. However, the file is delivered to the destination. 

Checking the Pragma documentation, successful transfer should return 0. Can you help me understand and fix this?

I wish to raise an error flag, if return code is a failure.

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