Authenticates but Hangs with Error

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I've set up PragmaFortress on a new server using the same exact settings as on old, functioning server. The only exception to this is that the users on the new server are domain accounts, rather than local accounts.

I can connect with an SFTP client and authenticate, and then the client will hang and eventually fail with a message that the server fails to respond.

On the server, in the event logs, I get the error message as below:

Remote Address X.X.X.X
    "..\Fortress\sftp-server.exe" Startup Failure.
    Error 2: The system cannot find the file specified.

If I look in the C:\Program Files\Pragma\Fortress folder, the sftp-server.exe is there.

Can anyone help me determine why this is occurring? I don't see a setting for the exe location anywhere within the configuration.
Beth Redd
Beth Redd
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It appears that our installation path in the registry is corrupted. Using regedit.exe, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PragmaSystems. There should be a string value of "Path" that should contain the full path to our installation directory, including a trailing backslash. The default value is "C:\program files\pragma\". 

There is a similar setting under the SSHD subkey of the PragmaSystems key. Both should have the same value.

Beth Redd
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The entry under the SSHD key was missing entirely. Creating it and pointing it to the folder fixed the issue. Thank you!
Edited 9 Years Ago by jcovalt
Beth Redd
Beth Redd
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Posts: 81, Visits: 180
Yes, the string value should be called Path with the exact same value as the Path value at the PragmaSystems level.

Beth Redd

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