Session Reconnect

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Hi Pragma,

I just use the ReconnectSessions feature and set reconnect-window 10min(600s)

I test it on WIN7 , it is ok. the connection in session manager is waiting reconn after client closed.

but actual server is windows 2003, the reconnect is not work. the connection will be closed after client closed.

the TelnetServer 's version is 7.0 Build9 R2031

Telnet server x64 on Win7 , reconnect is OK

telnet server x64 in win2003(x64), reconnect is not work.

telnet server X86 on win2003(x86),reconnect is not work.

what happen and how to solve for win2003?

BTW, upon telnet server are all upgraded from low version (7.0 Build 4 )

Best Regards.

Yu YunSong
Beth Redd
Beth Redd
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I have tested the reconnect feature on Windows 2003 without issue. There must be something specific to your setup that is preventing the session from going into a reconnect state. Have you configured the setup for a specific configured user or the Default user? If you have a configured user, it is possible that the user logging in does not match the configured user.

Beth Redd 
Customer Support Manager 
13809 Research Blvd, #675 
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Hi, Beth Redd 

Thanks for your reply.

in my telnet server configuration, default user and configured user are all existed.

but both users for these two type, are not able to reconnect session.

so can you let me know detail information for 'something specific to your setup that is preventing the session from going into a reconnect state'  or solution?

Best Regards,

Yu YunSong

BTW, the user is 'cmd' and I just change user as 'domain\cmd' and check option 'allow only config user to access server'.

and then telnet can login, but reconnect session do not work still.


Edited 11 Years Ago by yunsongyu
Beth Redd
Beth Redd
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Do you have the Server Heartbeat set for the domain\cmd user? Also make sure you do not have the Idle Session timeout set for the user. This will close the session regardless of the reconnect window. 

When viewing the Session Manager does the session ever go into "Reconnect Wait" when the device disconnects? If not, then the server is not detecting that the session has dropped.


Beth Redd
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I have confirm the session idle timeout and heartbeat setting are all not set.

but the session is can not re-connect.

attachment is the screen of issue for you reference.

telnet.reg is exported registry file for pragma.
telnet (1 view, 615.00 KB) (1 view, 6.00 KB)
telnet (2 views, 621.00 KB)
Edited 11 Years Ago by yunsongyu
Beth Redd
Beth Redd
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Using our console telnet client, closing the client will close the server side. It is not an accurate test of reconnect. You should connect from a remote client, and some how cut the signal between the client and server, such as unplug the client from the network. 

With the Server heartbeat on, in this scenario the server will be set in reconnect mode. You must have the server heartbeat on to get the server into reconnect mode. The Idle session timeout value will close the session and not put it into a reconnect state.

As for the view session issue, this could be caused because you are not running the session manager on the same type of system as the server. Are you running locally or on a remote system? The View Session client is not a high feature client so might have issues with code page translation.

Beth Redd 
Customer Support Manager 
13809 Research Blvd, #675 
Austin, TX 78750
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Beth Redd

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