AllocConsole() failed error

Beth Redd
Beth Redd
Pragmateer (789 reputation)Pragmateer (789 reputation)Pragmateer (789 reputation)Pragmateer (789 reputation)Pragmateer (789 reputation)Pragmateer (789 reputation)Pragmateer (789 reputation)Pragmateer (789 reputation)Pragmateer (789 reputation)
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Posts: 81, Visits: 180

There is no set maximum for the number of sessions that can be made before a resource error will prevent more connections. It is dependent on the system configuration.

Increasing the desktop count also is not relational. Doubling the desktop count, may not necessarily double the number of sessions. This is all due to how the OS implements the lower resource allocation.

Feel free to contact me directly at during your upgrade process, if you have any questions.

Beth Redd
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Thanks Beth,

This is an older system (Version:  7.0 Build 2 Revision 147). We currently have around 200 users on the server. Is there a logical max?

We are planning on upgrading to the latest version within the next few months (weeks??).

Thanks, Steve
Beth Redd
Beth Redd
Pragmateer (789 reputation)Pragmateer (789 reputation)Pragmateer (789 reputation)Pragmateer (789 reputation)Pragmateer (789 reputation)Pragmateer (789 reputation)Pragmateer (789 reputation)Pragmateer (789 reputation)Pragmateer (789 reputation)
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From the error message, I can tell you are running an older build of our server. The first thing I recommend is updating to the latest build. You can do this on our site at You will need to uninstall and reinstall the new server. You should also reboot the server.

The error you are seeing is caused by a large number of sessions, either active or orphan. You should use one of the orphan clean up features to prevent orphan sessions. 

There are two ways to clean up orphan sessions.

The first is the Server to Client Heartbeat under the Users -> Handheld page. This will send a signal to the client after the configured period of time, then disconnect the session, if the server does not receive a response from the client.

The other is the Idle Session Timeout under the User General Settings page. This will shut the session down after a fixed period of inactivity.

You can also increase the desktop count on the InetD page of the Pragma TelnetServer Configuration program. Increase this value by increments of two until you no longer have issues with the system. Keep the number below 16 so as not to interfere with other system processes.

Beth Redd
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 9, Visits: 30
Our system has started locking up a couple of times a day, causing us to reboot our server. In the event log is this error:
AllocConsole() failed on PragmaWS1\PRAGMADT1
Error: Access is denied

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