I've been wrestling with a problem, for a few months, now, where a host (running Windows 7 Pro, Pragma FortressSSH and Filezilla Server) that I inherited admin duties on becomes unavailable -- attempts to RDP into it fail, SFTP and FTP connection requests fail -- and only a restart of the host brings it back online. It will then function for a number of days and sometimes even weeks, before going down, again.
Referencing notes on this page;
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/archive/blogs/askds/port-exhaustion-and-you-or-why-the-netstat-tool-is-your-friendI have been looking into the question of whether or not the trouble might be port exhaustion. I have applied all of the latest Windows updates and have even gone as far as applying patches such as this one, that seem to directly address the trouble that I've been seeing:
https://forum.filezilla-project.org/viewtopic.php?t=49308&start=15None of this has helped, though.
Pasted to the bottom of this message is the text of two small scripts that I've put together:
1.) tcp_port_summary.sh simply runs the referenced netstat call to gather info on port usage on the problem win7 host, and redirects output from that call to a file, with the current time/date stamp in its name.
2.) tcp_connections_counter.sh, run against output from tcp_port_summary.sh, will produce a simple report showing the local and foreign IP addresses that appear in the output, with counts for each.
I setup a task_manager job to run tcp_port_summary.sh, daily, once every hour. Then, I restarted the host. So, I periodically compare output of tcp_connections_counter.sh, run against the file generated by the first, post-restart run of tcp_port_summary.sh with output from the same, run against more recent tcp_port_summary.sh files.
I find that connections from a single foreign IP to the win7 host's port 22 are increasing, daily, in what seems, so far, more an exponential than linear fashion. The PID associated with the relevant entries belongs to "Pragma InetD".
At no point, since I started logging the IP counts, does the number of connections from that single foreign IP go down, between host restarts.
Has anyone else out there encountered this issue? 'Anyone have thoughts on how it might be resolved?
==> tcp_port_summary.sh
@echo off
REm C:\Users\sftp_admin\Downloads>C:\Windows\System32\netstat -anob > ports_02112020_1148am.txt
for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('tzutil /g') do set CTZ=%%i
tzutil /s UTC
set UTC=
for /f "skip=1 delims=" %%i in ('WMIC OS GET LocalDateTime') do if not defined UTC set UTC=%%i
tzutil /s "%CTZ%"
set UTC=%UTC:~0,4%-%UTC:~4,2%-%UTC:~6,3%T%UTC:~8,13%
REM echo %UTC%
netstat -anob > ports_%UTC%.txt
==> tcp_port_summary.sh (END)
==> tcp_connections_counter.sh
## tcp_connections_counter.sh
if [[ -n "$file_to_process" ]]; then
#echo "file_to_process was specified"
if [[ ! -f "$file_to_process" ]]; then
echo "file specified for processing does not exist."
echo "you must supply at least one file to process"
echo -e "## 'Local Address' counts:\n"
cat $file_to_process | grep -v "\[" | egrep -v -i $strings_to_filter | grep -v -e $remove_blank_lines | tr -s ' ' | sort -k 2 | cut -d ' ' -f3 | cut -d':' -f1 | grep -v "\*" | grep -v -e $remove_blank_lines | while read line; do echo "ip count for $line = $(grep -o $line $file_to_process | wc -l)"; done | sort -k 6 | uniq
echo -e "\n## 'Foreign Address' counts:\n"
cat $file_to_process | grep -v "\[" | egrep -v -i $strings_to_filter | grep -v -e $remove_blank_lines | tr -s ' ' | sort -k 2 | cut -d ' ' -f4 | cut -d':' -f1 | grep -v "\*" | grep -v -e $remove_blank_lines | while read line; do echo "ip count for $line = $(grep -o $line $file_to_process | wc -l)"; done | sort -k 6 | uniq
==> tcp_connections_counter.sh