Priority of configurations

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We have Auto Login set on, so all Telnet connections come in as the same user 'scan'. Under User configurations, we have a config for user 'scan'. We now have a sub-set of users that will be connecting from another site, which need to run a different configuration, so we have set up an IP range config to run a different command script. However, because Auto-login is enabled, we are concerned there may be a clash when those users login, as to which config is used, as they satisfy both User and IP criteria.
My question being, is there a priority sequence of which config to apply based on User, Group and IP? Can we ensure that IP get priority over user.
Edited 3 Months Ago by DB
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DB - 11/19/2024 5:00:56 AM
We have Auto Login set on, so all Telnet connections come in as the same user 'scan'. Under User configurations, we have a config for user 'scan'. We now have a sub-set of users that will be connecting from another site, which need to run a different configuration, so we have set up an IP range config to run a different command script. However, because Auto-login is enabled, we are concerned there may be a clash when those users login, as to which config is used, as they satisfy both User and IP criteria.
My question being, is there a priority sequence of which config to apply based on User, Group and IP? Can we ensure that IP get priority over user.


I recommend you use two telnet ports with a different auto logon user for each port. You can then run a specific configuration based on what port the client connects to.
1.    On the InetD page of the Local Server Configuration program, copy the TelnetServer service.
    a.    Change the port to something other than 23. I llike using 923.
    b.    Enable the service.
    c.    Configure Auto Logon using a different user than the original “TelnetServer” service on port 23.
    d.    Click “Apply”
2.    Create a user configuration for both configured auto logon users.
3. Configure the clients to connect to either 23 or 923, depending on which configuration you need to run.

Your suggestion sounds like a good idea. I will add it to our feature request.

Pragma Systems Technical Support
13809 Research Blvd, #675
Austin, TX 78750

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