Group: Moderators
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Hi Shaun,
Please let us know the version, build and revision number of PragmaTelnetServer that you are using. Also, let us know the operating system of your Windows machine running our telnet server.
You can find this information by clicking on the "About" option on the Local TelnetServer Configuration dialog.
Starting from build 9, revision 507 of Pragma TelnetServer v7.0, reconnection configuration is done under the "Handheld" option on the Local TelnetServer Configuration dialog. You need to set the Reconnect Sessions option to "yes" and the Reconnect Window option to, for example, 600 (in seconds). That means sessions have a 10 minute window to re-connnect if the connection is lost for some reason.
Thank you,
Technical Support Group (TSG) Pragma Systems, Inc.
Pragma Systems Technical Support 13809 Research Blvd, #675 Austin, TX 78750